ive been running errands for two weeks i think.
ive neglected to blog.
the good news: i get out la in the morning!
flying to rochester with phil in the am.
well be there for about 5 days.
then ill be in charlotte.
anyone in charlotte dec 24 - jan 4.
ill be there too!
i just want bojangles.
so lets go there!
oh and. i bought my flight on july 29.
talk about a long wait.
oh well.
it will be worth it.
sweet tea and shopping.
here i come.
happy holidays blog land.
19 December 2008
12 December 2008
i miss bojangles.
how are they not open on christmas eve?
not cool.
the only restaurant open is waffle house.
i guess ill take what i can get.
they still serve sweet tea in waffle house.
oh. in other good news.
got a new phone.
blackberry sent me a curve.
i opted out of the storm.
first versions make me nervous.
secret santa is at work today.
i got mine "total bitch" body wash.
and a book...
"45 things you do that drive your boss crazy"
haha! both fitting items.
wrapped in hannah montana with love!
last day of work today.
holiday parties galore this weekend.
hannah montana,
sweet tea,
waffle house
09 December 2008
how amazing is this.
this is a camera cake.
i want one.
perhaps my birthday next year?
do you have a birthday cake every year?
last year mine was hannah montana.
this year is clearly my 5th birthday.
hannah montana,
08 December 2008
ho ho ho.
so today at work...
i tossed about 15 packages in the mail.
i love christmas.
i really need to write my christmas cards too.
but sometimes... that just isn't fun.
i had a field day at target yesterday.
for those who don't actually know me...
i'm having a holiday party on sunday.
i got everything red and green target had to offer.
today is my last monday of the year!
so im overjoyed to be here.
...clearly because its closer to leaving here!
i leave for NY on Saturday Dec. 20.
i leave for NC on Wednesday Dec 24.
my new ipod will come in handy for these plane rides.
layover on every flight. yuck.
perhaps phillip and i can get clever with travel games?
any suggestions? how about this?
i tossed about 15 packages in the mail.
i love christmas.
i really need to write my christmas cards too.
but sometimes... that just isn't fun.
i had a field day at target yesterday.
for those who don't actually know me...
i'm having a holiday party on sunday.
i got everything red and green target had to offer.
today is my last monday of the year!
so im overjoyed to be here.
...clearly because its closer to leaving here!
i leave for NY on Saturday Dec. 20.
i leave for NC on Wednesday Dec 24.
my new ipod will come in handy for these plane rides.
layover on every flight. yuck.
perhaps phillip and i can get clever with travel games?
any suggestions? how about this?

new york,
north carolina,
05 December 2008
biltmore estate.
for christmas.
i am taking a day to go up to asheville.

i am taking a day to go up to asheville.
and go see the biltmore estate.
its the largest private home in the country.
it was once owned by george vandervilt.
how gorgeous??
have you ever been there?
yes, also the house from richie rich.
maybe santa will give me a copy of that too!
i haven't been here in years...
but i'm going to show phillip around the house.
then we'll make our way to the winery.
then to the stables and the gardens...
i can't wait.
i wish life was less expensive sometimes...
but i've at least learned...
its stuff like this thats worth it!
happy holiday memory making!

biltmore estate,
phillip young,
04 December 2008
art show with rick springfield.

ashley is having one of her art shows.
all the paintings are $99.
i picked up the lovely mrs. britney spears.
if you're bored in hollywood.
come hang out with us.
at the wow gallery.
open bar! [yes!]
this week is almost done.
so exciting!!!
this weekend there is a downtown festival.
its near my hood for once!
surprise dinner for someone on saturday...
friday angela and i will see keane at the roxy.
holiday parties galore starting this weekend too.
i got my mom tickets to see rick springfield today.
hes at club nokia next week.
shes totally in love.
do you blame her?

britney spears,
celebrity by smash,
club nokia,
pop art,
rick springfield
30 November 2008
its all happening.
welcome back.

so its been a crazy few weeks.
in fact... this is what happened:
i went to see hanson twice in one week. i lost my cell phone. i drove to las vegas and back in the same day just to see the backstreet boys. i came back in time to buy a dress and score second row ama seats. i snuck into the after party with my best friends. one of which flew in from ny i might add. oh, my mom was there. she was with motley crue and kat von d, who are clearly cooler than i. after that i did have to work for two days... but that was the easy part. i went to see scott weiland at hyde for his cd release. i went to his performance on jimmy kimmel too. that same night i stood on stage with katie for nkotb. i've now had about four days off. i think i've slept though three of them. oh, thanksgiving happened... yes i almost slept through it... but i woke up just barely 3 hours late for dinner. i went to nick's house and ate drank and ate some more with sarah, kristen, and phil. following the food i went to see bolt... slight letdown in case you were wondering. i participated in black friday, and to be honest... it wasn't that bad. bloomingdale's had nothing spectacular... the gap had buy one get one sweaters... too bad they were all ugly. so alas... i just walked away with an ipod case. perhaps my wallet is more delighted that way. i took katie to the airport yesterday afternoon. i saw four christmases at the grove last night. i had a flat tire today. i even ended up in a kmart in the valley and spent $75 on christmas decorations i really don't need.
oh well... thats roughly the last week.
i'm exhausted. are you?
i love having a wreath on my door.
i love lights on our turntables.
i must go finish up some work...
and attempt to re-organize what i think is left of my closet.
oh, before i forget...
if you're getting into the holidays.
go buy this: so fresh christmas 2008.
well, 3 weeks til i come home for the first time in 2 years.
let the countdown begin.
ps- phil is coming too!
happy holidays!
20 November 2008
yes please.
18 November 2008
fifteen years.
i just semi-had a conversation...
with someone i havent spoken to in fifteen years.
how do you find time to tell a fifteeen year long story?
this called for a blog.
that's all.
with someone i havent spoken to in fifteen years.
how do you find time to tell a fifteeen year long story?
this called for a blog.
that's all.
16 November 2008
hello winter.
dear winter,

guess what?
i can now brave the cold.
i got the perfect coat.
i won't tell you how much it cost.
just know... its incredibly cute.
see for yourself.
i appreciate your snow.

14 November 2008
tonight is mayhem.
no pun intended.
so, the jonas brothers are secretly in LA.
bet you didn't know that...
too bad i don't think i can't get in.
motely crue is also tonight...
brandon and phillip will be covering that.
... in all its tommy lee and nikki sixx glory.
i hope they both have leather jackets.
while they rock out...
i will be asking "where's the love"
my mom, sarah, and i will be going to hanson.
we will be mmbopping all around HOB...
today was a payday... so that means a manicure.
yes!!! i can't wait. all in all ... im in a great mood.
this week was a lot to take in.
but i think its ending it well....
we're all even stopping at the pig n whistle to visit heather and get a drink!
tomorrow is the protest. and the day to do the dishes.
im more eager about the protest than i am the dishes...
if they're protesting in your area... join in!
10:30AM PST/1:30PM EST.
ill put up pictures and fun stories this weekend...
so, the jonas brothers are secretly in LA.
bet you didn't know that...
too bad i don't think i can't get in.
motely crue is also tonight...
brandon and phillip will be covering that.
... in all its tommy lee and nikki sixx glory.
i hope they both have leather jackets.
while they rock out...
i will be asking "where's the love"
my mom, sarah, and i will be going to hanson.
we will be mmbopping all around HOB...
today was a payday... so that means a manicure.
yes!!! i can't wait. all in all ... im in a great mood.
this week was a lot to take in.
but i think its ending it well....
we're all even stopping at the pig n whistle to visit heather and get a drink!
tomorrow is the protest. and the day to do the dishes.
im more eager about the protest than i am the dishes...
if they're protesting in your area... join in!
10:30AM PST/1:30PM EST.
ill put up pictures and fun stories this weekend...
brandon zmigrocki,
jonas brothers,
motley crue,
phillip young,
prop 8,
11 November 2008
04 November 2008
today will be...

a day that goes down in history.
it will change the world.
in fact...
we may have just changed the world.
barack obama,
presidential election,
the world
01 November 2008
whirlwind week.
i slightly neglected to blog last week. but it was a busy bee kind of week.... so to wrap things up... office life is great! i got a very unexpected promotion last week. it was just about the best news ever. i will soon be working on just day to day duties for: chris cornell, lenny kravitz, and collective soul... vanessa too. with that said... im now in the process of trying ot find my boss an assistant. anyone in blogland know of a bad ass assistant who is looking for work?
oh yeah. halloween also happened! i was hannah montana. and i found the WORST hannah wig on the face of the earth... waste of $47 if you ask me. yikes. well phillip was the joker from the dark knight and together we drove over to a lovely house party pre-block party friday night. saw so many faces i have missed. we mini-vanned it over to this block party which had a popov open bar. thats a no no... ended up cabbing it up to hollywood... where phillip and i roamed about for hours. we actually ended up roaming all the way from vine to vermont. if you live in la... you're very aware thats quite the hike. but its ok... 6-pack in hand, we made it through! following that adventure i proceeded to lay in bed and do laundry the remainder of my weekend. the house is now clean, the dishes are done, and im slightly recovered.
this week also included puppy time. bailey spent a majority of the week at our place. loved it. its a great sound when you walk in the door and hear little feet running around and squeaking toys... haha. i kept
him hostage as long as i could... and brought him back to my mom's place thursday.

the blackberry storm party was this week. the best part was the unexpected entrance at the tail end of john mayer mayhem... ok i lied. the best part was actually getting my hands on one of these touch screen phones! bad news... the beta versions of these things they were walking around with were so slow. they froze every 4 seconds. that makes me nervous. don't let me down verizon!

this week has a lot in store for everyone... i mean the least of which is the fact that by the end of
tomorrow we could possibly have a new president who could actually change this country. can you imagine that? president barack obama. oh man. that sounds great. i can only pray at this point. to be fair... i havent pulled up the toronto craiglist apartment adds just yet, well, because i have faith in tomorrow. i mean the one thing i know is that we as californians have our stuff together. we're clearly a barak kind of state. and i like that. the polls tomorrow will be no joke. i have to go to a korean presbyterian church near my house... i'm thinking the safe thing here would be to BE there no later than 7AM. i can only imagine these lines. ugh.

well half of this was written over the weekend... and i'm just now wrapping it all up. but needless to say, very successful halloween. much more so than last year at least. and its going to be a great new week... probably one of the most exciting new weeks in the history of the world to be honest. i can't wait. everyone gobama and go vote.
27 October 2008
halloween time.
this weekend.
i did nothing.
i mean utterly nothing.
i watched festive halloween-ish movies.
several hundred episodes of house hunters.
and played with the dog.
bailey spent the weekend with phil and i. the most adventurous thing we did was get wasted at el carmen with brandon on friday for $50 and then dig through racks of clothes at ross on sunday just to leave with the purchase of one cardigan. really nothing too spectacular. we made A+ velveeta and tacos el grande. and managed to miss brandon's birthday fiesta in venice and
andi's hollywood birthday... and im not happy at all about either event. perhaps i can make up for it this week? what shows are there? i think we've got the kooks, jack's mannequin [twice], mr. cornell, and cobra starship. lets not forget halloween too.
yikes. i have no costume yet. and no plans. theres a few great shows halloween night and about a million an one hosue parties. halloween rarely comes on a friday night so i feel like we should really make the most of it right?? this is what i want to be... let's see how this works out...
i did nothing.
i mean utterly nothing.
i watched festive halloween-ish movies.
several hundred episodes of house hunters.
and played with the dog.
bailey spent the weekend with phil and i. the most adventurous thing we did was get wasted at el carmen with brandon on friday for $50 and then dig through racks of clothes at ross on sunday just to leave with the purchase of one cardigan. really nothing too spectacular. we made A+ velveeta and tacos el grande. and managed to miss brandon's birthday fiesta in venice and

yikes. i have no costume yet. and no plans. theres a few great shows halloween night and about a million an one hosue parties. halloween rarely comes on a friday night so i feel like we should really make the most of it right?? this is what i want to be... let's see how this works out...
23 October 2008
22 October 2008
i like to act thirteen.
how good [bad] is this?
i just got very excited.
lets get serious... of course i'm going.
perhaps LA and Vegas?
does anyone want to come with?
its ok... we're allowed to be in middle school.
ps- nick carter is still gorgeous.
backstreet boys tour dates announced:
11/04/2008 Quebec City
11/05/2008 Chicoutimi, QB
11/06/2008 Sherbooke, QB
11/12/2008 Winnipeg, MB
11/16/2008 Prince George, BC
11/17/2008 Kamloops, BC
11/19/2008 Nampa, ID
11/21/2008 Phoenix, AZ
11/22/2008 Las Vegas, NV
11/23/2008 Los Angeles, CA
backstreet boys,
carmel middle school,
las vegas,
los angeles
17 October 2008
maybe it is real world education.
ever wonder what i do in los angeles?
well the lovely full sail university has summed it up.
via internet.
this is where i work.
this is what i do.
i might as well go ahead and admit...
i secretly do love my job.
kind of embarassed.
kind of neat.
for what its worth... feel free to read.
well the lovely full sail university has summed it up.
via internet.
this is where i work.
this is what i do.
i might as well go ahead and admit...
i secretly do love my job.
kind of embarassed.
kind of neat.
for what its worth... feel free to read.

bachelor's degree,
full sail,
los angeles,
15 October 2008
insert fun here.

the final debate is tonight. are you tuning in? its good to stay informed. attention... to any californian who may read this... the deadline to register is... october 20th. did you pay attention... did you read that?
write it down.
ill say it again...
october 20th.
anything else going on? my shepard fairy project is coming to an end. 2 hours of work nightly for over 2 weeks... and im almost there. alright! today i heard the blackberry storm will be official in november. [a month sooner than expected need i remind you!] in about 8 short weeks i FINALLY get to head home. i think about what it will be like every single day... whats changed? will i remember how to drive home from the airport? will i

well watch the debate...
go buy yourself some new music...
kings of leon are in LA tonight.
...until tomorrow
14 October 2008
13 October 2008
billy ikea.
i hate to say it... but friday night was a total bust.
flosstradamus played a not so fun repeat set.
who does that? party foul for floss.
the crowd was also less than pleasing...
overall. dissappointed.
saturday i went furniture shopping, in an attempt for new bed nightstand set... no winners this weekend. I also went over to phil's studio. i've been working on this billy idol/shepard fairy interview for about the last 2 weeks. very difficult to understand that british chap billy idol... haha. shepard has recently done the artwork for the billy idol "idolize yourself" album. phil has been working on a new ice cube movie i think? so we were both relatively productive people saturday night. point for us right?
sunday we were up at 8AM. ew.
i finally sold my nokia N76 phone.
followed by a productive trip to ikea!
ya see phil's mom will be here at approx 12:30PM wednesday afternoon.
it was neccessary i pick up the following: couch cover, glasstop desk, rug, lamp, and even some light bulbs!
well, big week ahead... including vegas this weekend [thank god!]
ting tings at the wiltern tomorrow night. who's going?
happy monday.
flosstradamus played a not so fun repeat set.
who does that? party foul for floss.
the crowd was also less than pleasing...
overall. dissappointed.

sunday we were up at 8AM. ew.
i finally sold my nokia N76 phone.
followed by a productive trip to ikea!
ya see phil's mom will be here at approx 12:30PM wednesday afternoon.
it was neccessary i pick up the following: couch cover, glasstop desk, rug, lamp, and even some light bulbs!
well, big week ahead... including vegas this weekend [thank god!]
ting tings at the wiltern tomorrow night. who's going?
happy monday.
billy idol,
ice cube,
las vegas,
shepard fairy,
the wiltern,
ting tings
08 October 2008
studying politics.
i will not try to persuade you.
but i do have an interesting read if you're up for it.
[yes, andrea and karamea that means you]
"make believe maverick the real john mccain"
just take a read...
make your own judgements.
form your own opinions.
just try your hardest to be well informed.
good news...
voter registration and ballot came in the mail today!
hello to voting in CA.
but i do have an interesting read if you're up for it.
[yes, andrea and karamea that means you]
"make believe maverick the real john mccain"
just take a read...
make your own judgements.
form your own opinions.
just try your hardest to be well informed.
good news...
voter registration and ballot came in the mail today!
hello to voting in CA.
07 October 2008
dance party 2K8.
you got plans friday night?
well, you should now.
this will be my friday:
hannah montana 3 taping.
who's coming?
let's dance.
well, you should now.
this will be my friday:
hannah montana 3 taping.
who's coming?
let's dance.

dance party,
friday night,
hannah montana,
miley cyrus,
the avalon,
06 October 2008
hello downtown los angeles.
saturday i slept and cleaned the apartment. made some fabulous breakfast food. then set up our basketball court. we have the perfect corner door and the perfect amount of floor space to play some nerf one on one. i found the net+ball in a box of things from my grandparents house i had saved from when i was about 10. i lost our first game... thats all i have to say about that.
saturday night paul and trevor came over for detour. we took the subway down to pershing square... wandered aimlessly. and ended up at la cita. an authetic spanish bar. there was a roller derby after party... not to mention the dodger or usc game fans swarming the area. i saw a good handful of middle aged women who were not afraid to shake it. both paul and lb trev got down. we ended our evening at the taco stand next to la cita [that seemed appropriate]
sunday consisted of me, my couch, and i. i even bought a subscription to fit-tv yesterday in an attempt to get in shape. lets see how good this works out... haha. i love days of nothing. well perhaps nothing isnt the word... we did learn "something"... more about kimora lee simmons than anyone should ever need to know to be precise. if you consider that productive... then we'll take it. yesterday was also miley's 16th birthday. her party was at disneyland... i wish i had been that cute when i was 16. i will be at a the hannah montana 3 taping this weekend.
well. hello to a new week. i will leave you with a link to my friend ashley's paintings. they are fabulous and i want them all. take a look and say hi.
01 October 2008
please do this. not because we're friends. not because i like you. not because you like me. not because i'm telling you to. not because you think you should. do this because you want to. because you care. because you are a part of this economy. because you care about your future. because you care about your family's future. because you believe in this country. most importantly because you believe in yourself. your vote counts.
29 September 2008
hello monday.
i spent the latter part of saturday attempting to clean and catch up on laundry... following that was ashley's birthday party saturday night. the house was stunning. it was the street next to the osbournes old house... but apparently the cops were no strangers to the neighborhood and they arrived before midnight... lovely. so once we left... we really started the party... and we went to the grocery store. haha!
sunday was family lunch day... i volunteered to bring deviled eggs.
well, with that said... i spent my morning boiling and making 3 dozen deviled eggs. and my math skills are clearly not up to par... 36 eggs = 72 deviled eggs. try packaging and traveling with that in your backseat! good times. well it was great to see all of my favorite people... lova's mom is in town and my mom even made her appearance too. there was also enough food for an entire small army. so we were there with food and football for several hours before heading to macy's and bloomingdale's to check out the sunday sales. i walked away with a new necklace and bras. haha. i'd say thats a successful weekend. until tomorrow...
24 September 2008
three things.
1) happy anniversary! some say... time flies when you're having fun. i think we're fun... right? haha. well either way happy anniversary to that kid phil i kind of love just maybe a little bit.
2) one of my best friends from back home just moved to orlando and will start fullsail this month. therefore i have decided... im going to go back. ill go to orlando for a few days... hopefully before the end of the year... more to come.

3) the caprese sandwich/salad is the greatest thing on earth. and i think its neccessary to go get one immediately.
aaron bucy,
full sail,
phillip young
21 September 2008
this is phillip. i love him. we have just made the best velveeta shells and cheese in the history of the world. were now going to watch the discovery channel. oh! and... we just took a nail to the wall [the concrete walls] today.. and it worked! our apartment now has hanging pictures! yes.

discovery channel,
phillip young,
19 September 2008
west hollywood.
tonight phil's got a birthday party at the viper room... then samantha is doing her thing at the roxy... we'll be walking walk from one to the other. meet me there! love fridays!
erin goodfellow,
marix tex mex,
renya nelson,
west hollywood,
18 September 2008
new metal.
these go on sale in 7 minutes.
there are only 100 that have been made,
only 1 is gold... the other 99 are silver.
its only $120.
i need it.
i love it.
there are only 100 that have been made,
only 1 is gold... the other 99 are silver.
its only $120.
i need it.
i love it.
17 September 2008
meet samantha
meet my friend samantha. she is playing THIS friday night at the roxy on sunset. doors at 8pm. tickets are $20. come hang out with us.
friday night,
lindsay lohan,
samantha ronson,
the roxy
16 September 2008
money money money.
did you know your money is worth nothing? did you know that the federal reserve has no gold to back up the money you are earning/spending? did you know that the federal government is right this second in debt -$9,692,336,382,649. did you know that the fica payroll taxes you pay only totals $2,327,778,916,132 in social security savings. did you know that all other fica taxes only total $3,909,191,541,385 in government trust funds. did you know the public debt... thats you and me... we total -$5,783,146,759,162... in the hole. ouch.
to learn more, please visit federalbudget.com
to make a difference, please visit voteforchange.com
barack obama,
federal reserve,
john mccain,
presidential election,
15 September 2008
shows + cars.
so i ended my week welcoming verona grove back and saying bye to amy. vg played at a lovely place in hollywood called crane's tavern? what is that? it was very house party-like. not to
mention the guy rapping about how the hooker in vegas stole his coke. poor guy. thats a real shame. haha.
missed nick's birthday friday. on saturday the last of phil's stuff was packed up and cleaned out of his old place. bye bye old couch. saturday night... me and charlie hung out. meet charlie [above]. drinking lova, andi, and lauren were involved.
sunday was my official photo album organization morning accompanied by eggs, bacon, toast, and cookie crisp. and then there was my jonas/miley afternoon. she played a benefit with jb and demi lovato for city of hope. good show.... although a very very long show. once i finally made it back home... my boy and i
proceeded to do seven... i repeat seven loads of laundry. how does that happen? i missed board game night at crystal's. very sad...
well. i hate mondays and this has once again proven to be no different from any other monday. ...as i walked into work today i got a phone call from phil that his car was hit during the night and was now declared undriveable. oof. how is that? we're assuming some idiot who clearly didn't know how to drive ...casually smashed his left front side/tire and drove away. phil now hates progressive and i'm going to insert my three cheers for allstate. poor phil... not a fun situation. but maybe we'll catch the guy... or at least get a decent insurance settlement! more to come...
tonight we'll will finish up where we left off with the laundry... and remember tomorrow vg are playing the kibitz room. please come. they go on at 11.
missed nick's birthday friday. on saturday the last of phil's stuff was packed up and cleaned out of his old place. bye bye old couch. saturday night... me and charlie hung out. meet charlie [above]. drinking lova, andi, and lauren were involved.
sunday was my official photo album organization morning accompanied by eggs, bacon, toast, and cookie crisp. and then there was my jonas/miley afternoon. she played a benefit with jb and demi lovato for city of hope. good show.... although a very very long show. once i finally made it back home... my boy and i
well. i hate mondays and this has once again proven to be no different from any other monday. ...as i walked into work today i got a phone call from phil that his car was hit during the night and was now declared undriveable. oof. how is that? we're assuming some idiot who clearly didn't know how to drive ...casually smashed his left front side/tire and drove away. phil now hates progressive and i'm going to insert my three cheers for allstate. poor phil... not a fun situation. but maybe we'll catch the guy... or at least get a decent insurance settlement! more to come...
tonight we'll will finish up where we left off with the laundry... and remember tomorrow vg are playing the kibitz room. please come. they go on at 11.
11 September 2008
concrete walls.

im on a hunt for a wall hook for my jewelry. i also have purses that need to not be on the floor. and phil wants us to get a buffmonster piece for the living room. walls are great space for hanging/showing things... i think i just need tim "the toolman" taylor to come help me. haha. i need home improvement on dvd.
alright well... show tonight at crane's tavern. maroon and phantom are also in town tmrw and sat. i'll be in joshua tree with melissa crosby... but fun week ahead! ... stay tuned.
ps - if you're at home tonight. please tune into the 2008 hero awards. its a program my mom has been working on, hosted by dean cain... rick springfield even performs! its a great chance to celebrate on a day when we remember those that we lost.
10 September 2008
eating and filing.
i spent the latter part of this afternoon realizing that most of whats left unpacked and/or in a box in my apartment is just paper. therefore... ive decided to take action and FILE! ive labeled and alphabetized, learned that i apparently suffer from ocd, and will spend the majority of the evening sitting on my floor going through said papers.
amy is still in town... we have tried to have fun dates thus far. sunday we went to the fairfax/melrose flea market for sunglasses and jewlry. last night we had a sushi buffet at sushi dan off of sunset. tomorrow we have a dinner date with my mom in westwood. verona grove will be in la later tonight, so tomorrow i think we'll also make a stop over at their show at crane's tavern. btw, im very happy to announce its nearly fall. and the return of the pumpkin spice latte is my favorite time of year.
well maybe tonight amy, phil, and i will learn how to video blog... we could even give you a tour of the apartment... stay tuned... it might happen... it might not.
amy mcdonald,
pumpkin spice latte,
verona grove
05 September 2008
toronto, christmas, the 08 election.
what would you do if you won the lottery? well i have never won it... so i don't know. but i have been pretending like i have... and internet shopping accordingly. it has pregressed into a relatively decent christmas list... and a significant sized ebay watch list... haha.
legoland polaroid 600
yashica electro 35
kodak duaflex II
breakfast at the blvd
ipod touch
new headboard/bed frame
big shaggy rugs
trip to camelback mountain
cadillac comfort bike
vintage slot machine
blackberry thunder/storm

i don't see the big issue... its just money. haha. i really need nothing from that list... but if i won the lottery... this would be much easier! speaking of christmas... this year i will be in rochester... and hopefully toronto, all before going home to charlotte. anyone ever been to toronto? i hear theres good shopping.
speaking of canada... i have listened to all the political speeches over the last week. what did you think? i don't know that i'm really convinced in either direction. i'm not one to get heavily involved in politics... but i think the pending results for president... and my christmas visit to toronto... this very well could prompt an out of country move! that sounds like a safe bet right? haha. poor US economy. i hope someone saves it!
yashica electro 35
kodak duaflex II
breakfast at the blvd
ipod touch
new headboard/bed frame
big shaggy rugs
trip to camelback mountain
cadillac comfort bike
vintage slot machine
blackberry thunder/storm
i don't see the big issue... its just money. haha. i really need nothing from that list... but if i won the lottery... this would be much easier! speaking of christmas... this year i will be in rochester... and hopefully toronto, all before going home to charlotte. anyone ever been to toronto? i hear theres good shopping.
speaking of canada... i have listened to all the political speeches over the last week. what did you think? i don't know that i'm really convinced in either direction. i'm not one to get heavily involved in politics... but i think the pending results for president... and my christmas visit to toronto... this very well could prompt an out of country move! that sounds like a safe bet right? haha. poor US economy. i hope someone saves it!
barack obama,
john mccain,
04 September 2008
high school.
the dreaded move.
well its still exactly that...
i spent the latter part of lasr week moving the boxes.
and the majority of this week unpacking them.
the good news... our bathroom is complete and the living room is nearing completion.
there was pure mayhem once all of the records arrived... but phillip and i have safely arranged/organized the thousands of records and his turntables take up a little less than half of our living room... not bad considering the circumstances :)
our bedroom is quite large and basically i think we have too much space, a lot of clutter, then not really enough furniture. yeah thats our bedroom.
the kitchen is the easy part... thats just dishes!
either way... i can't wait to finish it all and show it off.
perhaps a stuff is out of storage, we're not homeless, and we have a place together party? haha. i wonder if anyone would come?
speaking of parties. tonight is jen's going away shin dig.
she and her husband have saved up the $$, quit their jobs, and decided to go on a yearlong expedition around the world. amazing. we will be throwing a toast at st. nicks.
i spent the latter part of lasr week moving the boxes.
and the majority of this week unpacking them.
the good news... our bathroom is complete and the living room is nearing completion.
there was pure mayhem once all of the records arrived... but phillip and i have safely arranged/organized the thousands of records and his turntables take up a little less than half of our living room... not bad considering the circumstances :)
our bedroom is quite large and basically i think we have too much space, a lot of clutter, then not really enough furniture. yeah thats our bedroom.
the kitchen is the easy part... thats just dishes!
either way... i can't wait to finish it all and show it off.
perhaps a stuff is out of storage, we're not homeless, and we have a place together party? haha. i wonder if anyone would come?
speaking of parties. tonight is jen's going away shin dig.
she and her husband have saved up the $$, quit their jobs, and decided to go on a yearlong expedition around the world. amazing. we will be throwing a toast at st. nicks.
jen buchanan,
st nick's pub
27 August 2008
perhaps i lied.
i was not up to par on my verizon news.
this is the phone that is clearly on top.

in other news... i sign my lease tonight.
yay moving.
this is the phone that is clearly on top.
in other news... i sign my lease tonight.
yay moving.
26 August 2008
hello kitty.
so tonight there is a special screening of casino at the arclight.
phil had suggested we try to get into a soprano kind of a mood for it.
bad news... i think its sold out.
in the meantime my friend bay, his band is playing at the viper room tonight.
some hear explosions.
i think this is one of their first shows.
who has seen the new blackberry?
its going to be off the chain.
charlie is counting down the days for me.
go verizon.

i got a little more flair for office last night.
they will join my buffmonsters and fatcap friends.
super cute.

thats all thats really going on.
i will post pictures throughout the dreaded move.
but get ready.
the new place looks like a hotel suite with classroom doors.
phil had suggested we try to get into a soprano kind of a mood for it.
bad news... i think its sold out.
in the meantime my friend bay, his band is playing at the viper room tonight.
some hear explosions.
i think this is one of their first shows.
who has seen the new blackberry?
its going to be off the chain.
charlie is counting down the days for me.
go verizon.
i got a little more flair for office last night.
they will join my buffmonsters and fatcap friends.
super cute.
thats all thats really going on.
i will post pictures throughout the dreaded move.
but get ready.
the new place looks like a hotel suite with classroom doors.
blackberry bold,
hello kitty,
some hear explosions
25 August 2008
today i blog.
today i decided to start a blog.
i haven't decided if this is an upgrade from livejournal yet.
the fact that i am not 14 might impact a bit.
i will soon find out.
there are a lot of new things happening all around.
why not blog as they happen??
hello and welcome.
i haven't decided if this is an upgrade from livejournal yet.
the fact that i am not 14 might impact a bit.
i will soon find out.
there are a lot of new things happening all around.
why not blog as they happen??
hello and welcome.
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